Rabbits eat their own potty, know the strange reason behind it

This world is full of different types of strange things and stories. Can you ever imagine that people who think that Potty means the name of a man whose name is public, someone can eat it! That's his own potty! But this is 100 per cent correct and the science behind it is hidden. There is an animal in the world which is very cute to look but own potty account. This animal is the rabbit and the name of this process of eating his own potty 

Why rabbits eat your potty:

Its own potty food is an essential process for the better health of rabbits. Actually, the rabbit is a creature whose digestive system does not grow very much. Rabbits mostly spend their lives eating grass. That is why many nutrition from outside their bodies come out without digging, so the rabbits eat more and more nutrients once again. This is exactly the way most cows like cow and buffalo bring their digested food back into the mouth and digest it again.

The science behind this process:

Rabbit potty is of two types. As a liquid and another tablet-like, The first type of potty is called cecotrope. It is full of nutrients that go out of the body fluently. Eat this rabbit and digest it completely and potty as a tablet. Seikotrop i.e., this drug contains two nutrients compared to potty tablets. They contain a lot of vitamins and vitamin B12. If rabbits do not eat potty, most of their nutrients will be removed without a body.

Rabbits eat their own potty, know the strange reason behind it

Rabbit potty is of two types. As a liquid and another tablet-like, The first type of potty is called cecotrope. It is full of nutrients that go out of the body fluently. Eat this rabbit and digest it completely and potty as a tablet. Seikotrop i.e., this drug contains two nutrients compared to potty tablets. They contain a lot of vitamins and vitamin B12. If rabbits do not eat potty, most of their nutrients will be removed without a body.

Rabbits are vegetarian animals that eat only grass, vegetable Fiber is very important for their body. His digestive system works fast at night and exits many foods without digesting it. That is why they often do this matter on a potty night and eat it at the same time. After that, they get out and dig out completely. They do not have the size of this tablet's potty. 

As we mentioned above, this process is very similar to the chewing gum of the four-legged animals. The cow buffalo after eating its food, bring it after his neck and digest it completely. Here the fibre of their food is digested by bacteria. This gives them more nutrients than food.

Not only rabbits but also animals are:

But in the animal world, the rabbit is not the only organism that eats its potty. This tendency is found in guinea pig, small rats and similarly similar herbivorous animals, whereas other people's potty-eating organisms are also very beneficial for our environment. From small bacteria to large organisms like pigs, helping others keep the environment clean by eating potty.

This tendency is seen in humans as well ...

But if one's tendency to eat his own potty appears in humans then it shows mental illness. In patients with schizophrenia and other mental disorders, this tendency is seen, it is very important to get treatment at the right time.



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